Let’s Inspire Together

Hey there! Want to know how I got really good at what I do? I’ll share my secrets and tips so you can be awesome too! Let’s make your dreams come true.

Let’s Achieve Together!

Do you want to be the best at what you do? I can help with personalized support just for you!

✔️ I always stay focused on my goals, and this helps me achieve great things.

✔️ I have lots of experience from doing many different things, which means I know a lot.

✔️ I’m always learning new things to get better and better.

✔️ I work really hard because hard work pays off.

✔️ People notice my skills and say nice things about my work.

I Master Hard Skills for Success

How learning boosts my skills and career.

ServiceNow®️ System Administrator

Becoming a System Administrator is like being a tech superhero and you can do it too. I learned how to set up and manage the Now Platform, which is like the control room for all the tech stuff in a company. Every day, I made sure everything worked perfectly and fixed problems when they came up. I also talked to my team a lot to make sure we all worked towards the same goals. Keeping everything safe was super important, so I made sure only the right people had access. Ready to start? Let’s go!

🥇 Achievements​

  • Platform
  • Certified System Administrator – CSA
  • Platform
  • SD Delta – Certified System Administrator
  • Tokyo Delta – Certified System Administrator
  • Vancouver Delta – Certified System Administrator
  • Platform
  • Automated Test Framework
  • Flow Designer
  • Integration Hub
  • Service Portal
  • Welcome to ServiceNow
  • Sales
  • ACE Fundamentals
  • Introduction to ValueSelling
  • Sales and Messaging Foundations
  • Platform
  • NowPlatform®️
  • Platform
  • NowPlatform®️

ServiceNow®️ Application Developer

Here’s how I became a ServiceNow Certified Application Developer. First, I stayed focused and never gave up, even when things got tough. It’s like practicing until you can ride your bike without training wheels. I kept learning new things and getting better at what I do, just like how you get better at your favorite game the more you play it. I worked with other smart people to find the best solutions, which is like solving puzzles together with friends. When things broke, I fixed them to keep everything running smoothly, just like being the hero who makes sure all the gadgets in the tool box work perfectly. Finally, I learned how to make and test cool apps on the ServiceNow platform, which was like playing with building blocks but for grown-ups. You can do it too!

🥇 Achievements​

  • Creator Workflows
  • Certified Application Developer – CAD
  • Creator Workflows
  • Vancouver Delta – Certified Application Developer
  • Creator Workflows
  • Application Developer Core Skills
  • Citizen Developer Core Skills
  • Creator Workflows
  • Application Developer Process Creator
  • Application Developer User Interface Creator
  • Citizen Developer Application Creator
  • Citizen Developer Process Creator
  • Creator Workflows
  • App Engine and Automation
  • Creator Workflows
  • App Engine and Automation

ServiceNow®️ Implementation Specialist

As a ServiceNow Implementation Specialist, I solve problems for computer programs by fitting all the pieces together like a puzzle, making everything work perfectly for a business. I plan and manage projects from start to finish to ensure nothing gets missed. When issues arise, I find the best solutions, helping businesses run smoothly. Knowing how ServiceNow works makes everything easy to support, fix, and upgrade, improving efficiency. I ensure everything runs smoothly, reducing risks and enhancing functionality, just like making sure gadgets are ready before a trip. Stay focused, keep learning, and work with others to find the best solutions. Start your journey to becoming a ServiceNow Implementation Specialist today!

🥇 Achievements​

  • Customer and Industry Workflows
  • Customer Service Management – CIS CSM


  • Technology Workflows
  • IT Service Management – CIS ITSM
  • Technology Workflows
  • Vancouver Delta – IT Service Management – CIS ITSM
  • Customer and Industry Workflows
  • CSM Professional


  • Technology Workflows
  • ITSM Professional
  • Technology Workflows
  • Agile and Test Management Implementation
  • CMDB Health
  • Configure the CMDB
  • DevOps Change Velocity
  • Platform
  • Now Assist Executive
  • Performance Analytics
  • Predictive Intelligence
  • Virtual Agent
  • Customer and Industry Workflows
  • Customer Service Management
  • Field Service Management
  • Financial Services Operations
  • Legal Service Delivery
  • Manufacturing
  • Public Sector Digital Service
  • Telecommunications
  • Technology Workflows
  • Environmental, Social and Governance
  • Integrated Risk Management
  • IT Asset Management
  • IT Operations Management
  • IT Service Management
  • Procurement Operations Management
  • Security Operations
  • Strategic Portfolio Management
  • Technology
  • Employee Workflows
  • HR Service Delivery
  • Workplace Service Delivery
  • Customer and Industry Workflows
  • Customer Service Management
  • Field Service Management
  • Financial Services Operations
  • Healthcare and Life Sciences
  • Legal Service Delivery
  • Manufacturing
  • Public Sector Digital Service
  • Telecommunication


  • Technology Workflows
  • Environmental, Social, and Governance
  • Integrated Risk Management
  • IT Asset Management
  • IT Operations Management
  • IT Service Management
  • Procurement Operations Management
  • Security Operations
  • Strategic Portfolio Management
  • Technology
  • Employee Workflows
  • HR Service Delivery
  • Workplace Service Delivery
  • Customer and Industry Workflows
  • Now Assist for HR Service Delivery (HRSD) Implementation Bootcamp
  • Healthcare and Life Science
  • Legal Service Delivery
  • Order Management for Telecom, Media, and Tech
  • Workplace Service Delivery Essentials

Always Learning

Easy and fun ways to keep growing.

The University

Want to see how university can change your life? Let me share my story. I found programs for all levels, from easy to hard, and it was like a big learning adventure! I did fun research that helped people everywhere. The best part? Classes were year-round with lots of support from teachers and friends, making it feel like everyone wanted me to succeed. Financial aid, scholarships, and grants made it affordable. You can have this amazing experience too, and it’s easy to start. Don’t wait!

🥇 Achievements​

  • Data Processing
  • Software Engineering


  • Teaching in Professional Education and Technical Education
  • Project Management


  • People Management and Corporate Education

The Cloud

Imagine having a super helpful friend who stores your books, and games and lets you get them whenever you want without any hassle—that’s what cloud computing does for my work. Big companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and Oracle have storage spaces all around the world, making it easy for me to access what I need anytime. Cloud computing is like playing with my favorite games faster and without worrying about where to keep them; these companies handle the tricky stuff, so I can focus on getting work done quickly and efficiently. I only pay for what I use, just like renting my favorite book for a day, and I can track my spending with special tools. Cloud computing makes work easier, faster, and cheaper with 24/7 access, so I can work anytime, anywhere. Ready to get started?

🥇 Achievements​

  • AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2023 Certified Foundations Associate

The Language

Want to be awesome at talking and writing? Let’s make it easy! I practice talking and writing every day, chatting with friends, writing stories, and interacting online, which makes it easier over time. I use language everywhere—at home, school, and work, making it feel natural and building my confidence. I also explore both free and paid resources like classes, books, websites, and videos that help me improve. I keep pushing forward, remembering everyone starts as a beginner, and not being afraid to make mistakes because that’s how I learn. Are you ready to start improving your skills? Have a chat with a friend or write a short story today. Every step you take brings you closer to mastering language!

🥇 Achievements​

  • ELSA
  • Low-Hanging Fruit Skills
  • Tricky English Sounds
  • Essential Consonants
  • Long and Short Sounds
  • Tricky Consonants
  • Open vowels and the dreaded TH


  • Babbel
  • English at work (A2) – Gastronomy and restaurants
  • English at Work (A2) – Hospitality
  • English at Work (B1) – Health and Medical Assistance
  • English at Work (B2) – Retail and Supermarkets
  • English at Work (C1) – Cultural Exchange
  • English at Work (C1) – Diversity and Inclusion
  • English at Work (C1) – Fairs, Conferences and Exhibitions
  • English at Work (C1) – Sales and Account Management
  • English at Work (C1) – Well-being at work
  • English at Work (C1) – Working from Home
  • Babbel
  • Primi passi (A1) – Italiano – Chiedere
  • Primi passi (A1) – Italiano – Di’ dove vivi
  • Primi passi (A1) – Italiano – Saluti
  • Babbel
  • Primeros pasos (A1) – Español – Aprende a realizar pedidos
  • Primeros pasos (A1) – Español – Comentar
  • Primeros pasos (A1) – Español – Di lo que quieras
  • Primeros pasos (A1) – Español – Hacer citas
  • Primeros pasos (A1) – Español – Hablando de nacionalidades
  • Primeros pasos (A1) – Español – Preguntar cómo está alguien

Customer and Industry Workflows

Let me tell you how I made my customers super happy. First, I checked how things were done to find what needed fixing, which helped me build a strong foundation. Then, I created smart systems to make everything work together smoothly. I also set up easy ways for customers to help themselves, so they didn’t have to wait for help. Giving my team the right tools made them more efficient and happier. Finally, I ensured things ran smoothly by automating tasks, which prevented problems and kept everything running well. Want to make your customers happy too? Let’s learn more!

🥇 Achievements​

  • CS Academy
  • Introduction to Customer Success
  • Introduction to Customer Experience 2.0


  • Customer Oriented Management

Technology Workflows​

Let me tell you how I made IT super helpful for my company. First, I learned how our business works, just like building a strong base with blocks. Then, I set up smart computer systems to make our work faster and easier, like having a robot help you clean your room. I also combined our computer systems, safety checks, and risk plans into one strong, protective castle. To keep everything running smoothly, I added automatic fixes that stop problems before they start, like a superhero saving the day. Finally, I always checked our progress to make sure we stayed on track with our goals, just like making sure your toy car stays on the racetrack. By following these steps, I turned IT into a powerful tool for our company’s growth. You can do the same!

🥇 Achievements​

  • Bureau Veritas
  • Internal Audit – Main Concepts
  • The Management Systems Certification Process
  • Ka Solution
  • Overview of ITIL®4
  • Agroadvance
  • Mini Course Career in Agile Management of Projects in Agribusiness


  • Ka Solution
  • SCRUM Overview

Employee Workflows

I made work super awesome for everyone by checking how we do things to make sure everything runs like a well-oiled machine, setting up cool systems that make it super easy for everyone to work together, which made people really happy and gave them more freedom to do their jobs well. I also made our computer and HR tasks a breeze, so everyone could do their work without any hassle, ensuring all the steps were easy to follow and didn’t take too much time. Plus, I gave everyone super simple info to help them out, making it easier for them to understand what they needed to do and get their jobs done faster. You can totally do this too and see amazing results.

🥇 Achievements​

  • Conquer
  • From H to R – A new look at People Management


  • Gupy
  • Candidate Experience
  • Employer Branding in Practice
  • Introduction to Inbound Recruiting
  • Introduction to People Analytics
  • Solides
  • Strategic Business Partner in business success

Creator Workflows

Building cool apps can be super easy and fun, even if you’re not a coding expert. First, I learned how businesses work, which helped me understand what they needed. Then, I used a simple tool called a low-code platform that allowed me to create easy-to-use apps without writing complicated code. I also provided easy tools and templates so that people who aren’t developers could quickly make their own apps. To make sure everything worked smoothly, I ensured all the apps functioned seamlessly on one cloud system, making everything connected and efficient. Finally, I turned business tasks into digital workflows, meaning all the systems and data talked to each other perfectly. You can do this too! Start today and see how easy it is to create your own awesome apps.

🥇 Achievements​

  • Exame Academy
  • Artificial Intelligence applied to Business

Super Skills for Life and Work

Learn the important skills that help you do great in everything you do!

The Consultant

Do you ever feel stuck with a business problem or need help with technology solutions? I help businesses and people solve problems and get better at what they do. Here’s how I do it: I talk to you to understand what’s going wrong or what you want to improve. Then, I create a custom solution just for you, whether we meet in person, talk online, or I work from my office. My consulting fees depend on the project size and length, and you can pay by the hour, by the project, or a fixed price. You can be a consultant too, using what you know to help others and charging fair prices for your advice.

🥇 Achievements​

  • Communication and Oratory
  • Presentations that Conquer: Secrets of Influence and Persuasion
  • Consulting Process Life Cycle
  • Communication and Motivation in Organizations

The Leader

When I became a leader, I helped my team work together by having a clear plan and making sure everyone was motivated and collaborated well. Being a good leader means showing everyone how to play the game, making sure we understand the rules, and encouraging teamwork. During challenging times, like when things aren’t going as planned, I step up to keep everyone on track and motivated. I believe that motivating everyone and ensuring we all collaborate well is key to achieving our goals. By setting a good example and making sure everyone is on the same page, I help the team stay focused and work together effectively. You can see the impact of my leadership in the success of my team and their personal growth. My goal is to ensure we all talk nicely to each other and make good choices, leading to more wins and better performance.

🥇 Achievements​

  • Forming Champions Leadership F.C
  • I Became a Leader, and now
  • Intelligent Productivity
  • Leading Teams of Different Profiles and Generations
  • NLP for Leaders
  • Intro to Management 3.0

The Instructor

I’m a friendly teacher who loves helping you learn and get better at different things. I make it easy for you to find me by sharing helpful tips and lessons online. Once you discover me, I keep sharing cool and interesting stuff to keep you excited about learning. If you like what you see, you can ask for one-on-one help. My job is to guide and support you as you learn, using different methods to explain things, keep you interested, and make sure you understand everything. My success is seen in how much you improve, the nice things you say, and your good test scores. I can’t wait to help you learn and grow!

🥇 Achievements​

  • Educational Technologies – How To Teach New Generations
  • New Technologies and Teacher Education
  • Knowledge Management

Unlock Your Potential with ServiceNow

ServiceNow helped me achieve my goals quickly and easily, and I can show you how it can do the same for you.

Imagine all the amazing things we can achieve together by teaming up.

I can share all my secrets so you can become a ServiceNow expert just like me.

Wanna chat and see how we can get started?

I’m excited to help you unlock your potential with ServiceNow.

Gratitude for ServiceNow's Learning Tools!
I am really thankful for ServiceNow's learning tools because they have helped me become better at my job. Their classes and practice sessions have improved my skills a lot. These learning chances keep me updated with new tech stuff. If you want to improve your job skills too, try out ServiceNow's learning tools. They helped me a lot and I know they can help you too!
Andre Costa Moreira
ServiceNow Consultant


Your Go-To ServiceNow Expert

Hi there! Andre Costa Moreira is here to help your company get better with the coolest ServiceNow tools. He’s been doing this for more than 13 years and knows exactly how to make things work smoothly.

Andre is great at making businesses of all sizes work better and faster. He’s studied a lot about Project and People Management, so he knows how to fix modern business problems in the best way possible.

Andre’s mission is to help your company grow and succeed. He wants to make everything easier for you and your team, making sure everything runs smoothly and everyone is happy.

A happy client said, “Andre helped us use ServiceNow, and it changed everything! We’re much more productive now, and everyone loves the new system.” This shows how Andre can really make a difference.

Ready to make your business better? Contact Andre today for expert advice and special solutions just for you. Take the first step to make your work easier and more successful.